getting in touch with the unseen realms…
stepping into your highest expression…
letting light into dark corners.
Whenever I have a session I get so excited…
it’s the time I have to lean on someone,
let someone hold me and allow the divine to work through her.
Brooke has a beautiful way of channeling and of holding space.
I have felt such a deep connection to the Ascended Masters, Archangels and spiritual realm
deepening my capacity to love and be loved.
what is shamanic
energy healing?
During a session we collaborate with both of our Spirit teams… respectfully requesting assistance from Archangels, Ascended Masters, Good True & Beautiful Ancestors, members of the Animal, Plant and Mineral Kingdoms among others… a blanket of calmness descends as you listen to a custom guided meditation and flow of imagery that I am witnessing in your energy field, describing what work the Guides are performing and any messages they have for you… we might work with oracle cards or explore which flower essences might be good allies on your journey.
I combine this with Rainbow Energy Healing to clear blocks in chakras, work with specific Archangels, and feel into themes you are working on in this current incarnation as well as your soul’s purpose over many incarnations.
step into my office
I can facilitate healing at your home or mine, at the top of Haleakala or by Zoom. I also lead experiences at some of the most amazing wellness centers and hotels on Maui and beyond.

Brooke has a beautiful gift and
is a clear channel for delivering comfort, clarity
and empowerment to those ready to receive guidance
as well as do the personal work to make necessary, transformative changes.
I highly recommend connecting with Brooke. She is a gracious guide for this world and beyond!
how does remote healing work?
When we connect through technology for a remote session I utilize my inner vision just like an in-person session.
I envision you laying on my healing table, and I lay out specific crystals, shells, feathers or power objects for different chakras, and then smudge with local vetiver and apply very specific essential oils like Blue Lotus.
You might feel waves of energy running through your body, or feel like you are suspended in mid-air, or have a blanket of calmness descend on you.
Whatever happens, I hold your Highest Good at heart and hold space for emotional healing to occur.